As a follow-up to the first workshop, we were asked to reconsider our portfolio. To think about the area of work we are interested in and which of our work matches with that area. After that, we were asked to work on our portfolio layout flat plans.

During the first part, since I am interested in both Lettering and Graphic Design for Film, I can possibly have two portfolios with different works.

For the Lettering portfolio, I have so far only three projects, directly related to lettering and typography but I also have an illustration project that can be indirectly related, since lettering and illustration complement each other. I do need a few more projects, however, in my other modules, I am trying to cater my work to this area, to hopefully be added to the portfolio.

In the Graphic Design for the Film area, there’s a wide variety of work to do from background posters to a carpet pattern, to a newspaper so this allows me to show a wider variety of my own work. So in my portfolio, I can Include my lettering/typography projects, the patterns and the newspaper design (group project). However, I do not have anything directly related to film so I need to develop my own projects in this area. 

Here are some of my flat plans and some of the thoughts that went behind them.

In these flat plans, I was trying to make layouts that don’t feel too static, so each page has a slightly different flow. One of the things I also want to keep is the main page with the “hero image” for each project. I am going with the portrait direction because my portfolio is in landscape direction, and I wanted to explore new possibilities. I am going to continue to explore new layouts and other formats.

Categories: portfolio


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