Hello, today I’ll be presenting my creative story. To begin we’ll talk about my interests, or more specifically, one of my main interests, which is lettering, the art of drawing letters, where each letter receives individual attention and has a specific role within the composition. It’s amazing how a single letter can act as its own piece of art. And I think that it can be really useful in graphic design. It also an amazing tool to relax, bring happiness, and thankfully it also helps to bring inspiration.

Relating my interest with the university and the course, in the 1st semester I didn’t do anything to directly explore it, but in the typography module kind of helped me explore, for example, letter shapes, and learned some typography rules, such leading or kerning, that obviously did help. I also participated in some letterpress workshops which was really interesting and allowed me to try new textures, styles and showed me a different, more elegant and crafty way to play with letters.

However,  this semester I’m trying to explore more through the design practice module while working on the folklore project. I’m also trying to develop some designs “for fun” in my free time, that way developing my creativity more and getting more skills.

Now, I’ll explain how I got where I am, that is, here in Coventry studying Graphic Design, and there are several reasons. Firstly, painting, drawing, making little crafts and creating things has always been where I spent most of my time so it kind of makes sense wanting to work with something art-related. Secondly, my mom has a great passion for vintage and old-styled stuff and so my house has a lot of boxes/tin/cans, also clocks, with vintage-inspired design, and they were something that would get my attention, so I would try to copy the designs, and more specifically the letters on them, so there my letter obsession started and I began copying other designs and then creating my own. But even before this “brainwashing” my mom gave me, there was something else that going on that made me the creative I am. When I was around 9 years old, I started collecting clothing tags and even some packaging labels, so usually birthdays (even my family and friends’ birthdays) were, and still are a highly expected due to the wide range of tag and label options. Another reason is that after 9th grade I had to decide an area of study, and even though I like lettering, I had no idea what to do with it and then someone told me about graphic design. From there I began researching about it, and it just stayed in my mind since then, so I decided on a design/art course to understand more about this area.

Beauty of the B

And here I am, almost four years later, still kind of confused but happy with my decision. 🙂


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