In the last blog post, Ambleside Avengers Project – Introduction, I introduced the Ambleside Avengers brief and explained what exactly, the deliverables were. Today, I’ll talk briefly about our group’s process of creating and how the teamwork went and has been going.

At the very beginning of the project, we started by creating a Miro board (an intuitive, interactive, and easy-to-use team collaboration software) where we collated our finds, ideas, inspirations, work in process, and awaiting feedback.

Then we started doing more content-related research, including looking at the Ambleside JFC, Ambleside Avengers, other junior football teams, stuff that could relate to them, what their current visuals were (logo, certificates, PowerPoint templates, etc), and then we discussed what wasn’t working and what should be changed.
Next, we brainstormed who was our target audience, our aims, the visuals and the tone of voice we needed, and some symbols. Basing it on what the client told the team values were. With that, we started looking at design inspirations and concept ideas.

We decided to start with the Logo keeping in mind our concept of the oak tree and the acorn. Each of us had a proposal for it and everyone showed it on the agreed day, we did a critique and determined that we should combine two of them. We also realised that we should assign each person a task, since that way, whoever is doing their task, keeps their focus on such, raising that way the quality of the work and its velocity, so we tried to break down the deliverables and distribute them.

And with that, we moved to a different phase of the project.

See you soon,
Beatriz 💕


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